Re: Very Nasty Gnome bug

> 2) The damn X cursor.  If I clear out all the .gnome directories and the
>    .enlightenment directory, I can get gnome to change from the X cursor to

Do not clear your .gnome directory... it has nothing to do with the root
mouse cursor, that is enlightenment's domain.

>    a real pointer cursor.  Of course, that mean reconfiguring gnome and
>    enlightenment.  A real pain-in-the-ass.  After I got the pointer cursor
>    back, it was promptly broken when I changed enlightenment to use iCE
>    borders and saved the currect session.  Great, that was a real waste of
>    time.  I just changed the theme (why is it called themes,when it really
>    is borders?) to Clean Big, the cursor was changed to a pointer.  I changed
>    back to icE and it is still a pointer.  It also changed to background
>    color and I didn't tell it to do that.  The question is what will happen
>    when I get out of gnome and back in.  Will the cursor still be wrong?

It sounds as if your enlightenment installation is broken... What version
of enlightenment do you have? What OS/distribution do you have? You need
to be more specific when reporting bugs. 

Slightly off-topic: Why call it themes and not borders? An E theme changes
the mouse cursors look, the fonts used to display window titles, the way
the window buttons are placed, what functions they will have, how the
menus look and what they contain and the root window's (background)
appearance. And there's probably more stuff that I forgot ;)


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