Re: GNOME UI Summary [* - Nov 11, 1999]

----- Original Message -----
From: James Henstridge <>
To: Ben FrantzDale <>
Cc: Z. Leite <>; 'James M. Cape'
<>; 'GNOME List' <>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: GNOME UI Summary [* - Nov 11, 1999]

> My mistake -- you can already turn off text labels on toolbars.  You can't
> turn off the icons at the moment though.  Just go to the control center
> and look under User Interface -> Applications

yep...  I think it also makes sense to have the option of text/icon/both be
on the right click menu of a menu for changing that property for just one
app. If I get a new application and want to learn what stuff does, I don't
want to have to have text as part of the button in every app. Putting that
setting only in the control center seems like the last place someone would
look for it.


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