Browsers, of the web variety

There is a scene in Black Adder III where the Duke of Wellington is berating the
state of the English nobility. "We have the finest armies, the finest navies,
the finest industries...and what do we have for royalty? A mad Kraut

Lest you think I mangled my aliases and this supposed to go to Blackadder-l or
possibly german-bashing-l, let me explain what brought that on. I have just
watched Netscape disappear from my screen sans explanation for, oh, the seventh
time this morning. And I've only been online for half an hour. There are, in the
X world, word processors, mailers, newsreaders (Granted, Pan just
died on me too, but it's admittedly alpha sw, which NS *isn't*. (Admittedly,
that is.)), art programs, etc...why no web browsers? Is there anything stable
that exists between lynx and Netscape? (Why don't the Opera people port to
Linux?) What do all y'all longtime gnomies use?

Or shall we all, Godot like, wait for Mozilla? (I saw the /. link to M10.
Reading the 'not yet implemented' list convinced me to wait a bit.)

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