Re: Changing desktop icon size?

>  I found a suggestion that placing
>  style "icon"
>  {
>    font="-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--17-120-100-100-P-88-ISO8859-1"
>  }
>  widget "*DesktopIcon*" style "icon"
>  in my ~/.gtkrc file would allow me to change the font for my desktop
>  icons in gnome - they are currently too small to read.  However, the
>  above snippet seems to have no effect whatsoever.  Any suggestions?

I am sorry, currently GMC does not provide a way to change the font
used for the labels in desktop icons.  You can modify the
DESKTOP_ICON_FONT definition in mc/gnome/gdesktop-icon.h if you really
need this.

Sorry about the inconvenience,


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