Re: gmc in the twilight zone. It won't work on a network?

Martin Hawlisch wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Paul E. Johnson wrote:
> > I used ssh to work on a machine at the office from home.  All was going
> > OK, but then I needed to look inside an RPM.  I didn't have a spare 20
> > minutes to read/remember how to do that trick with rpm and cpio to get
> > individual files out so I figured I could just run gmc and the
> > X-forwarding would carry the gmc window back to me at home and I could
> > use it to just look inside the RPM.
> >
> > But the gmc that starts is not running on the office machine, for some
> > reason I cannot understand the gmc session opens on the HOME computer,
> > even when I start gmc in the shell that is running on the office
> > computer.
> >
> > The same thing happens if I try to explicitly export the DISPLAY to
> > point at the home machine.
> This is a known 'feature'.
> If you run GMC it first checks for another running GMC. If GMC is already
> running (read displaying stuff on your DISPLAY), the newly started GMC
> tells the already running GMC to open up a new window.
> If you want GMC to be running on the remote machine, you first need to
> close the currently running GMC. Therefore open up a new window and choose
> from the menu: commands->exit.
> Then you can execute GMC on the remote computer.

This could also be used to allow one to use GMC for filemanagment as
"root".  I'm not sure that I like this "feature" but it's good to know
that there is a way around it.  

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