Re: UnTaring files

Hi There!

> For a complete newbie I recomend using RPM's as I know balsa is availabe
> in an rpm.

I agree with that. It's generally easier for most people at the start;
sometimes it's the best way to manage one's system but it's not always
the best way eitehr.

> For most users the tarballs are a waste of time and energy, sure you get
> the source code, but what good is that to a newbie?

I'm going to separate that into two statements. "For most users the
tarballs are a waste of time and energy". Now, it depends on what you
are actually doing. If you want to use different compilation flags, or
the RPM can't be relocated to a directory you have permisions to put
stuff then getting a binary RPM simply doesn't cut it. The second part,
"what good is that to a newbie". Well, some newbies may be interested to
take a look at the source and how to build it; otehr than that not
terribly much.


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 I can feel something inside me, say
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