How do I ask for a feature enhancement? VI-mode GUI Navigation!

The subject outlines both of my concerns directly.  1) How do I ask
for a feature enhancement. 2) How can I convince GTK+ developers to
incorporate libreadline into the keybinding of GTK+ core widgets!?

The main reason for asking about #2 is that I've come to realize that
I'm so "programmed" into the VI paradigm that I find myself using
these keystrokes in every application I open.  For example, I would
love to be able to switch to command mode while in a GTK+ application
and hit the '/' key to search the document/form for a given regex
pattern.  Imagine being able to use 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l' to navigate
widgets!  Move to an input widget, click your favorite 'edit' key and
start typing...  This is my "dream", and I see libreadline as being a
nice way of accomplishing this.  Heck, I don't want to force my idea
of an ideal keybinding "theme" onto an emacs or wordstar enthusiast!

I'm even willing to help code this monstrosity!  Who do I talk to?

Chad "^chewie, gunnarr" Walstrom <chewie wookimus net>

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