Re: GNOME Performance (was Re: Suggestions)

lloy0076 rebel net au (2000-11-27 at 1446.51 +1030):
> can't work out that an Athlon is an i686.

A bit wrong, Athlons are not i686 (aka Intel Pentium Pro, 2 or 3), if
you say that you end with problems like kernels trying to deactivate
P3 serial number (and panicing, which is not fun).

> CFLAGS=-O5 -march=athlon -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math
> -finline-functions -malign-loops=4 -malign-jumps=4 -malign-functions=4

Nice, thanks. Now I have to learn how to make that my RPM defaults
when building from SRPMs (anyway RPM system should use that if
possible, when an Athlon is detected).


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