Re: kezbindings *!sic(

> Now I'm seeking for the location in the system, where centrally for
> all users a german keyboard mapping can be adjusted for the Gnome
> session.

I think you need to configure X, i.e. try fiddling with the file


For XFree86 4.0.1 I have 

  Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "keyboard"
        Option      "XkbLayout" "dk"

which gives me a nice Danish keyboard - really useful when you don't
want to spend too much time guessing where things like a slash is
placed in the American layout (the Danish is shift + 7). "dk" is
probably "de" for you.

For XFree86 3 you simply place the

  XkbLayout "de"

somewhere in the keyboard section, IIRC. I even think there is an
example included in the standard Config-file, which uses German.

> In the same vein, I would like to know, where I can put a central
> gnome desktop setting that is available for all users (allowing this
> possibly distributed via NIS).

Desktop settings is a lot of things. If you are thinking about
panel/sawfish/etc. settings, perhaps you could configure things like
you want them to be, and then copy your .gnome and .sawfish
directories to /etc/skel so that new users would get these settings as
default. Or if you already have a lot of users, you could simply copy
the directories directly to their home.

This way people get a default, but can also change it as they see
fit. I'm not sure that it works straight out the box, though. I would
suspect that information about, for instance, temporary files is saved
in the .gnome hierarchy, so it might require a bit of tweaking to get
right. Anyway, at least it is something to try...

Ole Laursen

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