Re: copying settings from one user to another

In message <20001002100854 A40498 gelatinous com>, Bret Mogilefsky writes:

>On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 03:49:58PM +0200, Christoph Kukulies wrote:

>I've never understood why ~/.gnome config files don't try to understand things
> like $HOME, ~, etc.  It's not just that this lack prevents making a generic s
>etup for all users easy; it makes it damn near impossible to move your existin
>g config files around (say, if your account moves) or to share the same config
> files from machine to machine in a heterogenous environment.  Even if all of 
>my pixmaps, icons, etc. are somewhere in my home directory, the full path from
> / is stored.  At the very least a path without a leading slash should imply a
> path from your home directory.

>Are we ever going to address this?

GNOME works fine with NFS home directories.  In this office we use
/net/<NFS server name>/home/<login id> for home directories.  Just make sure
that the NFS server is also running amd or else you will have problems
(/home/<login id> versus /net/<NFS server name>/home/<login id> and making a
symlink doesn't seem to correct the problem).  In any case, I can log into any
of a dozen machines and get an identical GNOME session.


John GOTTS <jgotts linuxsavvy com>

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