Can I bind a keystroke to lock the screen?

I was playing around with the Sawfish settings in Gnome Control Center
the other day and saw where in the Shortcuts section, you can set up
keystrokes to be bound to certain actions.  Since I unfortunately have
to use Windows NT at work, I have gotten really used to being able to
uses ctrl-alt-delete to bring up a logout/lock dialog.

On my Linux machine, I would like to be able to bind ctrl-alt-delete to
lock my screen (I think that program is xlock?).  Searching through the
available settings, I see where there are options to binding keys to
logging out, rebooting, etc. but not one that will lock the screen.  Can
I set something up that will do this?  I did see there is a "Command"
function you can bind a keystroke to, so maybe I should set "xlock" as
the command and then grab "ctrl-alt-delete" as the keystroke assigned to

If anyone has an suggestions or elegant ways of doing this, I'd love to
hear it!

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