Re: bizzare diffs when launching from termanal and desktop/panel

On 08 Apr 2001 15:05:52 +0000, Dan Gray wrote:
>  I keep getting problems that I can't explain when launching apps from
> shortcuts/panel as opposed to launching from a terminal, a couple of
> examples....
> 1. gimp doesn't recognise xinput devices (my tablet) when launched from
> the panel, does when launched from a terminal or with 'launch from
> termanal' checked
> 2. xsane finds no devices when launched from panel/desktop, behaves
> properly when launched from terminal.
>  Can anyone shed any light on why this happens?

I also have / had problems with it. Programs that won't run from the
panel, Vim showing strange colors, AbiWord complaining about fonts and
so on. The main reason I could find was something with
environment-variables. An X-term gets a set of variables that differs
from that of a text-console, which is the default used by Gnome. Of
course it could be possible that at launching X some variables for
devices are set, and that's too late for the Gnome-panel....

In my opinion this is a bug in Gnome, and the Panel has to read the
environment-variables it passes to the applications after X is


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