Frustrated Pilot user

I just bought a Palm III and I can't get it to sync using Pilot Link.
I get the druid when I fire up gnomecc but when it tells me to press
the "Hot Sync" button, the palm can't connect to the computer.

The hardware is OK because I can do the sync under Windows 98 with the
software that 3com provides.  I can't do it when logged in as root so
I don't think its a permissions issue.  I assume that the serial port
on my lap top is ttyS2.  But it doesn't really matter.  I can't get it
to work no matter what the device number.  I've tried them all up to

I'm very frustrated.  Its all well and good to have it working under
Windows but I live in Linux and that's where all of my PIM stuff is.
This thing is going to be virtually useless unless I can get the sync

Thanks very much for any suggestions.


Quote of the day for April 14th, 2001
We're here for a good time not a long time
		- Bill Huber

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