SO60B files as application/zip

I setup gnome-vfs (Nautilus, evolution) to see .sdd, .sdc, .sdw, etc... 
files as Star Office 5.2 mime types,  offer Star Office 6.0 as an application 
that can open such files, etc...  Worked very nicely, even though I did it 
by altering gnome.mime and gnome.keys which contain a message "DON'T EDIT 
THESE FILES BY HAND", which I promptly proceeded to do.

Now,  I have associated Star Office 6.0 to 
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc, application/vnd.sun.xml.drawing and 

And I have defined the extensions sxi, sxc, to the appropriate mime types, 
etc... And defined an icon (converted the SO6 XPMs to PNG and plopped them 
in the icon directory).

But lo and behold, Nautilus doesn't display the icons.  It thinks all the 
SO60 created files are application/zip

So I'm riding to Chicago so I've got about two hours to fiddle with this.  
Nothing makes GNOME-VFS think these files are ANYTHING other than 

So I unzip -l ldapv3.sxi

Holy Cow!  It is a zip file,  so are all the SO6 files.  They contain a 
collection of subdirectories for images and a handful of .xml files.

Very clever.

But how does one override the magical detection of file types to say, 
"Yes, I know that looks like a ZIP file,  but I want you,  the &*^$#(@ 
computer, to 'pretend' it is an application/vnd.sun.xml.presentaion?"
Ximian GNOME, Evolution, LTSP, and RedHat Linux + LVM & XFS

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