can one eliminate Netscape from gnome apps

This may have been asked, discussed and answered a thousand times so I
apologize in advance also I don't want to start any netscape bashing
but... I would like to break my gnome applications from the habit of
starting netscape/mozilla for the  various things one might need a
browser for (help menu items that link to a web site for example).  I
love the gnome apps but hate the netscape they often want to call up. 
So here is my situation I do not run a file manager (no gmc etc) at all
since I always end up on the command line to get around anyway and I use
enlightenment more than any other window manager (no sawfish).  I don't
really like the all in one "desktops" (KDE, Gnome-Sawfish etc) way of
running X... for me they seem slower and less reliable than just a
window manager and a floating panel (which I do run for convienience
although not all the time).  Therefore I generally don't have the
"usual" tools for setting up URL handlers and applications and so on. In
any event I have used the gnome control center's (v document
handlers section from the panel to try and eliminate calls to mozilla
and netscape redirecting them to my browser of choice, Opera,  but it
does not seem to eliminate the gnome reliance on mozilla and netscape. 
This reliance on netscape is of course not restricted to gnome apps many
other tools with built in "links" want netscape I just figured gnome
apps would be the easiest to ween off netscape.  I could be missing the
obvious answer to freeing my gnome apps from netscape/mozilla and if so
I will accept my dope slap gracefully... in the mean time
comments/suggestions are welcome.


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