Re: putting icons not in tool bar

Billy Patton wrote:
> How can I get minimixed windows to appear as icons on the background and
> not on the
> tool bar.  I've looked throught he setup menu and can find nothing that
> makes
> any sense.
> I'm running Helix on a SUN solaris 7

I don't know if this applies to solaris, but on my Linux box, I've been
able to drag an icon from the toolbar to the desktop.  So, create the
icon on the desktop, drag it to the desktop, remove it from the
toolbar.  It's not the fastest solution, but it works.

> My main reason for this is thay keep disappearing from the tool bar
> but still exist when I hit the middle mouse key->windows
> --
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>   / _ )(_) / /_ __  / _ \___ _/ /_/ /____  ___
>  / _  / / / / // / / ___/ _ `/ __/ __/ _ \/ _ \
> /____/_/_/_/\_, / /_/   \_,_/\__/\__/\___/_//_/
>            /___/
> Texas Instruments ASIC Circuit Design Methology Group
> Dallas, Texas
> 214-480-4455
> bpatton dal asp ti com
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric denali atlnet com

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latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to
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