upgrade breaks gmc and gnomeicu

I'm running debian 2.2 with lots from testing (except XFree-4) and
Ximian. The other day I did an apt-get install of a couple of debian
gnome packages and now the icons no longer display on the desktop.
When I try to run gmc my daemon.log file fills up with lines like:

Oct 22 21:27:38 tc gnome-name-server[14173]: server_is_alive: cnx[IDL:GNOME/FileManager/Desktop:1.0] = (nil)

There are four of these every minute. If I log out and then log back
in without running gmc the entries are no longer made.

Another problem that started recently is that gnomeicu is leaving
<defunct> processes around. I first realized it when I ran out of
process slots and fork returned an error. Killing and restarting
gnomeicu corrects (but does not solve) the problem.

Once an abuse exists, everything is arranged on the assumption
that it will last indefinitely; and, as more and more people come
to depend upon it for their livelihood, and still others depend
upon them, a superstructure is erected that soon comprises a
formidable edifice.
The moment you try to tear it down, everybody protests; and the
point to which I wish to call particular attention here is that
those who protest always appear at first glance to be in the
right, because it is easier to show the disorder that must
accompany reform than the order that should follow it.
	-- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
    Rick Pasotto    rickp telocity com    http://www.niof.net

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