GNOME Menu Editor

I recently purchased Suse 8.1, which installs Gnome 2.0.  The gnome menus were 
severely limited (couldn't even find the Gimp), and when I tried to add my own 
menu items, I could not find the Gnome menu editor to do so.

I called SuSE support, and was told the menu editor was not included in the 2.0 
release of Gnome.  Oddly, however, they were able to add the 'SUSE Menu' 
and 'KDE Menu' items to the main Gnome menu.

I've heard of the recent childishness coming out of the KDE camp.  So I wanted 
to know if SuSEs explanation was true, or if this is partisanship on the part 
of SuSE.


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