PowerTools Garnome 0.27.1 - DO NOT USE

Here is the extract that I posted to the Garnome mailing list (haven't found the system-tools list)

Hi All...

DO NOT USE Powertools - here is my sad tale :

Woa - after three days of compilation (including dependency tracking and general mayhem) I finally got 0.27.1 compiled and running on an old PII-233(256mb RAM) - Redhat 8.0...

I also installed the Gnome-Powertools (/meta/gnome-powertools). I loaded up the Gnome 2.4 desktop, which is very pretty I might add... then I decided I wanted to add some users to the machine - as it was to be used by a number of my house mates...
So I cranked up the System Admin (I think that is what it is called), it dutifully notified me that it is pre-release code and can make my box inoperable - fair enough... lets try it anyway and obviously I had to log in as root ...

So I added some new users, by pressing the add button... Once they were added I pressed the apply button, the app did not come return properly and eventually I had to kill it - then my *FUN* began (I know about the warning but this was just silly)....

Firstly ALL the users except myself and root were deleted from /etc/passwd and /etc/group and /etc/shadow... I thought that was quite funny - sure normally you system would effectively be rendered useless but I've been around a while and recreating users from an passd.OLD with a simple shell script was easy-peasy... but then I noticed that the script had also deleted ALL the assocaited home directories (AAAAAAARRRRGHH!!!) - can you imagine the PAIN!!..
All my mysql data - GONE - as the database home is /var/lib/mysql..., all my named COnfigs - GONE... most importantly - A site the I was HOSTING for a friend of mine - GONE!!!!!!

So right now I am running R-Linux (under win2k) to try to recover it - (will keep you informed)...
Now I do know that it was pre-release - but this is beyond unacceptable - you NEVER DELETE FILES without CONFIRMATION.... I can only hope that someone will learn something from this....

Since I do have a morbid fascination I took a peak into the power-tools directory and found user.* Perl scripts (in the engine directory) that called deluser -r (delete user and recusively delete home directories) - why on earth this would be called from an ADD user function - I don't KNOW...

Please DO NOT  release such terribly buggy code...

Woa - now that I have ranted.... thanks for the enormous amount of work that went into Garnome, not to mention the titanic achievement of Gnome... hopefully I have not been scared for life...


Marcin Kowalski
Perl Developer / Unix Administrator
hotonline ltd

t: 0870 20 20 121
f: 0870 20 20 131

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Marcin Kowalski
Perl Developer / Unix Administrator
hotonline ltd

t: 0870 20 20 121
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