Re: Configuring Gucharmap-gnome ??

On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 09:53 -0800, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:28:20 -0500
> William Case <billlinux rogers com> dijo:
> > Does anyone know how to go about configuring Gucharmap-gnome?
> > 
> > I would like to set it up so that it always opens with 'Latin' Script
> > and/or Unicode block sorted manually to reflect the most likely to be
> > used unicode blocks first.  In addition, but not as important, I would
> > like to change the default font, its format and size.
> I had a similar request several months ago (I wanted it to come up
> showing by Unicode block). There was some discussion about it, and I
> discovered that there is no way to configure it the way it is. There is
> also no other character map utility that has that functionality (I
> tried several others). However, someone posted a method to fix
> Gucharmap-gnome. I can't remember what the fix was because it was
> complicated and I didn't understand enough about compiling and stuff
> (relatively new to Linux). However, if you search the archives for this
> mailing list you should be able to find the discussion. 

It is the thread with title "Character Map Startup Options?" on June 8.
Go through the archives for this.

The issue here is that the effort to remember these simple settings is
quite small for coding; sadly noone came forward to implement.
The article mentioned above is at 
and gives instructions on how to make the change you wish by hardcoding
the initial values (even easier than getting gucharmap to save the
initial settings in GCONF in your account).


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