Re: Gnome 3 and computer shut down

Em 20-06-2011 13:31, Rowland Penny escreveu:
On 20/06/11 13:06, Olav Vitters wrote:
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:49:03PM +0100, Rowland Penny wrote:
On 20/06/11 12:26, Olav Vitters wrote:
You can disagree with that, but release wise there is nothing wrong
with how 3.0 was handled.
You are quite right I do disagree. In my opinion there is plenty
wrong with the way it was handled.
Could you expand on that? We're (speaking as a release-team person) open
to feedback, suggestions, criticism...
As I said earlier, I only found out that Gnome 3 was coming when it was well into development. The developers should have firstly looked at Gnome 2 and asked what is wrong with it, what do users what/need and then come up with a draft design and thrown it open for discussion. If this happened I never found it mentioned anywhere. In my opinion Gnome 3 as standard is not fit for purpose as a desktop for general use, I tried to use it, found that things that I have taken for granted were seemingly not there or if they were there I had to click the mouse several times and move all over the screen, and you call this progress, I call it a mess. I had to spend several hours on google to get a semi working desktop but I am still not happy and will probably have to invest more time to put right what the developers have messed up. I can think of only one thing worse than Gnome 3, Unity - this forced me to change distro, unity is far worse than Gnome.

To add something to it, people complains that the menus were developed for touchscreen. If you try to use it as a general Desktop, you have to do big distances with the mouse to select one application or other. Maybe the touchscreen point of view can be switch on or off, or have a set of settings that can be switch on or off to have a better UX in a general purpose desktop

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