[gnome-love] GNOME Goal #4 proposal

Hi all,

Time has come for a new GNOME Goal. There's just one question: which one?

We have some candidates:

AppIcon is here because of this bug we introduced during this GNOME Goal: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=362604

So, my favorite for the next GNOME Goal is...
Well, you guessed, AppIcon! Why ? For 2 reasons:

1. It's still fairly incomplete (23 modules in the "todo" state)
2. The guidelines are incorrect, and if the GNOME Goals aim also at becoming some sort of ISV guidelines, we should 3. It's just a crappy way of working to do things in a bad way and not correct the resulting mess.

So we need to fix a few things:
- The current guidelines for this goal (I'll do it, thanks to Behdad bug report) - See how the Goals numbering will work, as it seems instructions may vary and an update of a goal is far from unusual. I think numbering the goals is a bad idea because at some point people will lose track if GNOME Goal #2 comes after Goal #5 just because #2 had bad instructions and need to be reworked. Giving just a name to the goal should be enough to identify it, and avoids the nubering problems.

The other problem with numbering is that "wanabe" goals often have a temporary number, which can conflit after with "official" goals. So I'll get rid of them.

As soon as all theses issues will be resolved, I'll post here to help spreading the news.

Feel free to comment (or tell me you plainly disagree with what I plan to do, according you tell me why :-))


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