Re: [My-GNOME]Re: How to start work on gnome docs

--- Colin Charles <linux bytebot net> wrote:

> I'm interested in helping document Evolution - I
> thought its already
> documentated but apparently its a wip. There are
> several items there
> that seem documented but are listed as a wip, which
> seems weird.

we still look for a way to keep track of status of
documentation, so doctable is a bit out of date,
anyway. you can drop a message to the
gnome-doc-list gnome org and the particular software
maintainer (or mailiing list) if you interested in
helping out any docs. 

Usually before start writting out any documentation, I
will drop a message to gnome-doc-list gnome org and
the package maintainer, this is to avoid duplication
of work.

> . gucharmap
> . totem

I have documented gucharmap and totem already, just
did not update the doctable apparently. anyway, totem
is far  from complete, anyone with DVD player might
consider helping out the section that is missing.
> -- 
> Colin Charles, byte aeon com my
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