Re: getting the ball rolling

fre 2002-06-21 klockan 10.54 skrev Geert Bevin:
> > Therefore, we should narrow our focus so that we may be fairly confident
> > that we have a shot at releasing something worthwhile within a year's
> > time. (That does not imply rock-steady, ready-for-primetime. It implies
> > at-least-ready-for-preliminary-deployment).
> I couldn't agree more with that. Getting a sufficiently stable base
> version out which can be used to base further development on is a must.
> Certainly due to the limited amount of developers and/or resources that
> or available for this project. However, when this base version is
> available, other people will be inspired by the enthusiasm more easily
> since it will not be vaporware anymore.

I totally agree, and I think aiming at either Corporate or University is
going to be the hardest to being with.

Targeting the developers will probably be easiest since they will accept
some rough edges. On the other hand there are lots of these
distributions and it's from these distributions we are trying to be

So my vote is to get something out that is targeting home/desktop users.
These are much simpler than University/Corporate since 

* Single system setups   (most of the time)
* Often single user systemts
* Less need for total security, many times these machines are connected
  through modem (or not at all).

The corporate and home user market is the ones that I think would be the
most interesting to work against once we have this out. I don't see the
fact that others try to target these users as a problem, since if we
succeed our product will be superior :)

The university might be interesting but much more work since they more
often than companies have special needs. 

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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