Re: Treo 600 discovered as tty and not usb device

Hi Chuck,

On Sun, 2005-07-31 at 23:15, Chuck Williams wrote:
[treo600 and udev config problem...]
> The problem is that on the class tty sysfs node, which is what is
> evidently passed to udev, the BUS is not usb, and the idProduct,
> idVendor and product SYSFS attributes are missing.  The correct sysfs
> node does exist but is not processed by udev.
> What is the fix for this?  E.g., should I disable the usbserial or visor
> kernel modules?

If you disable the visor module you won't be able to communicate
with the treo at all (apart from with pilot-link pre-release version
for which there isn't a reliable gnome-pilot port...)

The solution has to be to figure out where the USB udev messages
are going.  Could some other udev rule be matching it?  Can you
add a udev rule to log the udev environment for every event?

As far as I know, this problem hasn't been reported before.
What kernel version are you using?


Matt Davey        "I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend	
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk      to the death your right to say it".  Voltaire

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