RE: Fundraising

On Fri, 2002-07-12 at 15:19, Clara Jackson wrote:
> Erik,
> Are you coming up a day earlier?  
> Clara


I think I might try to come up earlier in the week (monday or tuesday)
instead.  I was thinking it might be useful for me to put together a
basic map with only the locations that summit events would be in.  If I
came up on Monday for instance I could get that ready in time for the
summit.  I know there was some talk of putting together a little
pamphlet with the schedule and a list of local attractions, perhaps a
map would be nice in there too.  If not one else is working on that I
can do it as my work schedule is fairly sparse next week.

I was planning on commuting to the summit anyway (I'm about 1.5 hrs
away, I think.) so it doesn't matter to me if I come up on Monday or

Also, unless there are other plans in the works, I'll get a hold of that
coffee urn.  I think it's something like 25-30 cups.  Someone at Ximian
mentioned looking into renting one, I'm not sure if that went through.


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