Re: windows of one application spreading to other workspaces

In the design document for gnome shell, , it is mentioned that these windows, such as save dialogues and "Are you sure you want to close"-windows, should be hooked up to the parent window. Without borders being controlled by the parent these windows will also appear on the same desktop as the main application.

Tough I personally believe that it is a bad idea to make the parent window inactive because a button in it launched a properties window for example. It is common that the user opens up a properties window and still wants to access or change information in the parent window at the same time as in the child window. This use case most commonly appears in properties dialogues that opens up another step of dialogues.

So meanwhile it is a good idea to make small notifications and properties windows to spawn inside of the parent window, it is not a good idea to kill off all input to the input window, nor to make it impossible to move the child window.

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