Re: Active Applications list

My solution to this is a dock, I use the avant window navigator, it sits
quite happily along with the notification area at the bottom of the
screen. It extends the functionality of the shell quite well showing you
open applications and is very extendable with many add ons.


On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 22:19 +1200, Nick wrote:
> I had tried Gnome-shell before and thought it was too sluggish in its
> transitions. But last night I downloaded a more recent copy from the
> launchpad PPA.
> I found it vastly improved, but a couple things stood out as major
> weaknesses. The main one I want to mention (I'll leave the second one
> for now) is that unless you go to the Activities button you cannot see
> the active applications. At first when playing around I didn't notice
> it so much but after a while I found it annoying and time-consuming to
> do this -- I guess because since the dawn of the GUI OS (or at least
> my use of them) there has always been some kind of list of the tasks
> shown on the screen at all times.
> Once Gnome shell is officially released and bundled with distros, I
> don't see it being a long time before people start to see this as a
> slow system in terms of productivity. Don't get me wrong, for the most
> part I was actually quite excited about using a finished product of
> the shell. I mean loading programs, browsing drives, and finding
> recent documents is done brilliantly and these things are more quickly
> accessible than probably most alternative systems. It's just that
> something is lost when you don't have an active task list at all
> times. Think - switching programs. More clicks is more pain. 
> I propose some kind of active apps/tasks list that is displayed at all
> times. I get the feeling that the developers want to keep the
> panel/task bar (whatever it is being called) clutter free, so they are
> not going to want program names splattered across it. I think the
> solution would be to have smallish icons of the active apps/tasks
> displayed next to the activities button.
> I believe this would help make the shell a solid product.
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