Re: Space, Times and projects

It's a good question, actually we can do that.
We add one folder or two but no more, and in facts nobody works like that.
We can't bookmark more than 6 or 7 folders without overload Nautilus and the Overview Menu.

With a project management we can get a better organization, we can have an hierarchy, a search engine...

Actually with Gnome Shell we have a good way to share out apps among workspaces, but no more.
I don't want to change for Gnome-Shell, only for that, the actually Gnome 2.30, with the desktop applet bar, already do the same. We loose the system tray, we loose the apps hierarchy, we loose shortcuts on top panel, and personally I never use the recently files menu.

We want to get an better user experience, we can already help the user to simply manage his apps. But I think we also need to help to help him to manage his work.

The user goes to the overview, add a several desktop, drag and drop apps and projects. He enter in a workspace, and gets all what he needs for work on his "project", and no more. He is focus on his task.

I search only a way to help the user to get a better organization of his work.
With the overview, I think we have to do more, not only manage three folders and few applications.

2010/5/5 Jan-Christoph Borchardt <jan inquata com>
First off, I think you should send the thread to both ayatana and
gnome-shell under the same name, so the discussion can be followed on
both sides.

This proposal would either collide with or complement the planned
»Task Pooper«:

Kao, to convince a standard user:
What are the differences and advantages that would make me prefer
using your system instead of just having the projects in folders that
are bookmarked?

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