Re: Re: A task panel

I am very glad that you are satisfied with the current "non finished" version of gnomeshell and how it handles window management..
unfortunately there are alot of other people out here who find the current handling of windows bothersome, and not straightforward.... its a hell of alot easier and
quicker to click a minimised application to bring it back up rather than zooming out and zooming in on the app, or alt tabbing... while this may satisfy YOU.... it doesn't satisfy
alot of other users.... hence an additional modification to gnome-shell to make life easier for the "others" such as a panel dock, or the ability to click on the minimised app in the panel can only
be a good thing.... therefore people who are happy to alt tab/zoom in/out are satisfied.... and those that want a quicker solution such as clicking on a dock/minimised app in the panel are also satisfied..... otherwise there is going to be people on one side or another who are not going to be happy..... I have proposed the Panel dock recently.... I don't see why it shouldn't be taken seriously.... look at the forums, especially ubuntu forums with threads about gnome-shell.... most people do not like the way gnome-shell handles windows.... I for one will move to another D.E if gnome-shell gnome 3 is half baked and featureless... but I am putting my faith in the devs that they will implement a way to use gnome-shell easy and quickly with minimal fuss... The future will be interesting to see what happens...........

On , Tomasz Sterna <tomek xiaoka com> wrote:
> Dnia 2010-05-19, śro o godzinie 00:50 +0200, Leo pisze:
> > All the common users who have tried Gnome Shell have been having
> > problems when it came to change application.
> I tend to think twice when I'm eager to use words such "all", "none",
> "always", "never" and "we". I know that I don't know every single case.
> As for all the "task switcher" noise - It's typical for a few
> dissatisfied people to make a lot of noise while the majority of
> satisfied keeps quiet.
> So, to make a contrary case, at least I am one very satisfied with the
> current GnomeShell way of handling application windows and see no need
> for a dock, task bar panel switcher or anything such.
> Activities Overview is a great concept and I don't need anything more.
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