Re: GNOME 3.0 feedback and suggestions (for 3.2+)

2011/4/29 Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Frederik Hertzum
> Just for clarification, "desktop" means "workspace"?
Yes: I was thinking in the term "virtual desktop".

> <snip>
>> Maximized windows and title bars:
>> ====================================================
> This has been suggested a significant number of times before, for mostly the
> same reasons. I'm unsure of why it hasn't been done, but I'm quite sure it's
> for technical limitations.
No need for me to propose it again then, I suppose.
>> Horizontal desktops missing:
>> =====================================================================
> I'm really confused at what you mean by this. Why do you feel you need
> horizontal workspaces?
I would really like to have related workspaces grouped in some way --
for example, I would like to have all of my work related workspaces in
a group of it's own and all of my slack based workspaces in another
group. Horizontal workspaces would allow me to do this.

>> Volume control:
>> =====================================================================
> This is a good idea, but I'm curious how it would be implemented.
Me too. I have some ideas, but I'm afraid it will mess up the UI and
I'm not even sure if it's possible -- depending on how pulseaudio

> <snip>
> This sort of file management stuff is a big focus for gnome-shell 3.2, under
> the name "Finding and Reminding". I don't think the designers have an idea
> of how it would look yet, but I know Seif and Federico have been working
> extremely hard on getting Shell-based search and a journal overview ready.

>> Hiding/minimizing windows:
>> =====================================================================
> What are hidden windows?
Minimzied windows.This is just a random idea though and I'm not sure
it's even worth considering any further. I was hoping to fix the
"hidden/minimized" window issue.

>> Program menus:
>> =====================================================================
> Again, I'm unsure of what you mean by this. If there is anything missing
> entirely from the Applications tab in the overview, that's an extremely bad
> bug. Can you give examples of what's missing?
system-config-services for example -- but I just found out the reason:
apparently Fedora no longer carries the .desktop files, so this is not
a GNOME issue.

>> Programmes remembering their desktop:
>> =====================================================================

> There is no "which workspace" in the dynamic workspaces of the shell. The
> most you really can do is "the current workspace" and "a new workspace", and
> while it may be useful to mark an application as starting on a new
> workspace, I think good ol' drag and drop is fine here.

Well, the idea was basically to have some sort of workspace session
which could be launched all at once, rather than having to launch each
individual app. Thinking more about it, maybe it should simply be
possible to create an icon which would launch a set of apps in a new
workspace, rather than remembering a grouping automatically (I never
really liked that idea anyway).

>> I hope this is helpful.
>> Frederik Herzum
>> --
>> Date stamps are your friends
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>> gnome-shell-list gnome org

Again, I hope this is helpful and a bit clearer than before.

Frederik Hertzum

Date stamps are your friends

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