Re: Gnome 3 is not ready for netbooks

On 7/15/2011 4:41 PM, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
I am painfully aware of the shortcomings of Gnome applications with
regards to netbooks and their abysmal resolutions.

this, though, has nothing to do with the shell; the shell cannot modify
the applications.

this mailing list[0] is the development mailing list of gnome-shell.
it's not the list for Gnome 3, nor it's the mailing list for the control
center, evolution, nautilus or whatever other part of Gnome.

please: if you find bugs for any project in Gnome, file them in the Gnome
Bugzilla; sending random emails to random mailing list is never going to
work, because project maintainers do not follow every single mailing
list in the Gnome project[1].
<rant>I am so sorry for your _pain_ and the __noise__ we created. But to let you aware, that your shell isn't in any form superior to any shell out there hence your freedom of lambasting people who stumble on this (user/dev list???) , and some of you here are very critical when someone posted complains specific to your _beloved_ shell. My perspective is very true from the very beginning(I've been testing most of the early releases), that the GNOME Shell in its current state is not for end users (in general), but for the people like you and to those people who treated as though it is a religious artifact. </rant>

God bless & regards,

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