Re: Running applications in the background

some aplications like rythmbox / banshee keep running after you close
the main window and you can keep track of them on the notificatin bar
below in the right corner

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Evandro Giovanini <efgiovanini gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are applications users want to have running all the time, such
> as a music player, e-mail, chat, download manager, among others, but
> they don't want them cluttering their window list/overview while they
> do work with other applications.
> With GNOME 2 developers inconsistently used the notification area to
> "hide" their applications, resulting in a poor user experience.
> Are there any plans to properly tackle this with GNOME 3?
> My preferred way to handle it would be to keep the application running
> when the user closes their main window. The application's main window
> can then be restored using the Dash.
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Evandro
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