Re: How to get uint64 from Gio.FileInfo

Hi Mz,

Output from your uint64 is seconds.

I have been there, just use a javascript Date() object and feed it
seconds * 1000 as it ticks in milliseconds.

Here is a routine I used in a project recently to enlighten.

_dateString: function (seconds) {
        let desktopSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema:
'org.gnome.desktop.interface' }); let timeFormat =
        let currentTime = new Date();
        let modificationTime = new Date(seconds * 1000);
        let dayString = "";
        let i1day = 86400000;
        let i2days = 2 * i1day;
        let i7days = 7 * i1day;
        let dateFormat;
        if ((currentTime.getTime() - modificationTime.getTime()) >
i7days) { 
            // set abbriviated date string
            dateFormat = _("%m-%e-%y");
        else if (((currentTime.getTime()-modificationTime.getTime())>i2days)
&& ((currentTime.getTime() - modificationTime.getTime()) < i7days)) {
		// set weekday string
		dateFormat = _("%A");
        else if (((currentTime.getTime() - modificationTime.getTime())> i1day)
&& ((currentTime.getTime()-modificationTime.getTime()) <i2days)) {
            // set day string and time string
            dayString = _("Yesterday at ");
            dateFormat = (timeFormat == '24h') ? _("%R") : _("%I:%M
%p"); }
        else if ((currentTime.getTime() - modificationTime.getTime()) <
i1day) { 
            // set day string and time string
            dateFormat = (timeFormat == '24h') ? _("%R") : _("%I:%M
%p"); }
        return (dayString +
modificationTime.toLocaleFormat(dateFormat)); },

//\  Regards, Groeten,
V_/_ Bas Burger.

On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 23:30:28 +0800
Mz <mengzhuo1203 gmail com> wrote:

> Hi, Guys and Girls
> Weird thing happened when I am trying to get File attribute from
> Gio.FileInfo
> a = Gio.file_new_for_path('/home/meng/test') //a new file I just
> created. b = a.query_info(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED,0,null)
> c = b.get_attribute_uint64(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED)  //return
> 1343553596
> when I try to covert "1343553596" into a Date instance, I found that
> time-stamp is year 1970...
> I also tried to run Number.MAX_VALUE and it return XX.E+308 which is
> apparently more than UnixStamp's range.
> b.get_modification_time().tv_sec //return 1343553596 as previous.
> Now, I am totally surrender to this issue, can anyone enlighten me?
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