Re: run lock-shield with jhbuild

2012/10/25 Carlos Soriano Sánchez <carlos soriano89 gmail com>:
> Hi,
> How can I run lock-shield in jhbuild?
> I used to do "jhbuild gnome-shell --replace" to run 3.6 environment. Then I
> expect that the lock button from user panel display the new lock dialog;
> instead of that, the old one is displayed. And far as I know, lock-shield is
> a part of gnome-shell (gnome-shell/js/ui/screenShield), so I can't run it
> separately. So, how can I run it?
> my jhbuild configuration is
> moduleset = 'gnome-apps-3.6'
> modules = ['meta-gnome-core-shell']

Assuming you're not in a recent enough distro, you simply can't: the
new lock screen requires GDM 3.6 on the system bus, and does runtime
detection for it, falling back to gnome-screensaver if not available.
You could disable that detection, but it would simply crash trying to
show the unlock dialog.

If you want to use GNOME 3.6 with all the new features, I'm afraid you
need to update your distribution.


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