Re: SoC students @ GUADEC

Hi all,

On 4/28/07, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:

You probably already know about GUADEC: this is the big GNOME
conference, where a lot of our community members will meet. This year,
it's happening in July in UK. You can learn more about it at:

Last year, some of the SoC students were able to attend GUADEC and it
was really useful. Meeting your mentor and other people interested in
your project has a positive impact on your work. Showing what you
already achieved is also fantastic to get some good feedback.

So it's probably a good thing for the students of this year's SoC to
attend GUADEC if possible. We talked with GUADEC organizers, and they
love the idea. We could have a room where people can meet and talk about
SoC projects, for example. While there's no guarantee, it's possible
that you can get a sponsorship to attend GUADEC if you need it. Of
course, attending GUADEC is not mandatory :-)

Sounds great :-)

While registration for GUADEC isn't open yet, we'd need to know if you'd
like to attend the conference and if you'll need a sponsorship for it.

I am already slated to speak in the After Hours[1, 2]. I'll also help
organize a BoF during the After Hours for deployment related stuff[3].

I have already indicated in my talk proposals that I would be
requiring sponsorship. Also, another thing I would probably require
ASAP would be an official invitation letter from the organizing
committee so that I can start my visa process (I'm already a bit late,
I am told by my travel agent). Getting an UK visa in India is quite
difficult, especially for young people. One of my friends was rejected
for a transit visa last year while going to Mexico for Debconf since
he did not include the invitation letter with his application :-(.


Sayamindu Dasgupta

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