Re: its not only my birthday (cheese "report")

Le mardi 12 juin 2007, à 12:37 +0200, daniel g. siegel a écrit :
> and now for something completely different:
> well ok, the title is a bit misleading (alltough i _have_ birthday
> today) ;) now sometimes its a privilege to be with certain people, and
> its even more, if they are celebrating your birthday. therefore and not
> only therefore i want to give something back: cheese 0.1.0
> yeah you have heard right, its done. well to recapitulate: it works
> (somehow, i dont know why ;) ). please test it, have fun and give me
> some feedback!
> only some small notes to the testers:
>  - at the moment there is only a small, ugly Makefile, live with it (the
>    next release will feature autotools
>  - please read the README-file ;)
>  - to install it, please refer to the README-file
>  - new ideas are always welcome!
>  - the effects-chooser is pretty scabby. but its only there to change
> the effects. i will remove it as soon as possible and include my newest
> idea: MANY effects at once (i hope those apple-guys dont hear that)
> get it here (and dont waste my bandwith by downloading 17K twice, those
> two files have the same content):

But... where's the screenshot? :-)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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