Re: More user friendly and intelligent shell

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:19 AM, mahaveer jain <mahaveercse gmail com> wrote:
> sir ,
> I am mahaveer from vit vellore,i  have a idea for making more user friendly
> shell  can you please help me by telling me  whom should i apply this
> idea. i asked this thing in mailing community Obey is telling to put
> into GNOME or KDE but i am not sure that to whom all mentors of those
> organisation i should discuss the idea or is there a head kind of
> mentor so that i can apply this idea to him.
> Idea is:
> Linux Terminal uses exact command matching model .Some user might
> forget exact command ,in such cases approximate matching capability of
> shell can suggest commands to user,from which user can select
> appropriate command .Secondly, For a novice user remembering all
> commands is not possible ,Converting simple written English into linux
> commands can help an un experienced users to use and learn shell
> commands .
> For correcting commands, Listance model a variation of Longest Common
> Subsequence Model  can be used. In this model two words are considered
> to be same if there Listance is not more then a predefined number k.
> Suppose that length of two words A and B is m and n respectively, then
> the listance between them is defined as max(m,n)-Least Common
> SubSequence(A,B).By storing a collection of SubSequences  extracted
> from actual  command in a table and performing the similar
> transformation when user type incorrect command to get approximate
> command will result into more user friendly shell.
> English text can be processed using lexical,semantic , syntatic
> knowledge  and real world information of the language (NLP) and hence
> commands can be generated .Applying these concepts in shell can help
> novice user to get commands coresponding to written english text..
> I have started working on this project from last month as my university project.
> thanks.

You might want to talk to Colin Walters of the Hotwire shell project.
While it's not a part of GNOME, Colin is a GNOME developer and we can
probably work something out if he's on board.



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