Getting things GNOME! Web service and API: Weekly Report 12.

Hi folks!

Wow! 12 weeks just flew by and I really can't believe it's over.
Applying for GSoC, especially with an organization as cool as GNOME, was one of the best things I've ever done.
I would like to say how great and wonderful my mentors Bertrand and Lionel were (and still are ;) ), and it was great to meet them at GUADEC and work with them. The entire GTG team is awesome and it's a really friendly community.

For my last week I did some documenting and cleaning up the code. But that doesn't mean that this project is over. Au contraire!
Even though I did what I planned to do for the summer of code, there's still a lot of work to do and I'm looking forward to working on it :)



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