Hi Emily,

Are you thinking of Rialta student hall described in a document linked to from ? If so, the double room there is
48.21 euro, which is roughly $63 dollars, a night. If you split that with a roommate, it doesn't seem to be that much. In any case, as Daniel said, some other or these accommodations might be covered for people who will be sponsored.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Emily Gonyer" <emilyyrose gmail com>
To: "Fabiano Fidêncio" <fabiano fidencio org>
Cc: gnome-soc-list gnome org
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 3:01:53 PM

Hi there!

I am planning on attending GUADEC, and I'd love to give a lightening talk on GNOME Clock. I am currently debating whether it'd be a good idea to stay in the hotel in A Coruña which is the 'official' GUADEC hotel or not - its a bit more than I usually spend on a hotel, but if most people stay there I'll probably bite the bullet and stay there... any thoughts on that regard?


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Fabiano Fidêncio < fabiano fidencio org > wrote:


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 3:13 PM, daniel g. siegel < dgsiegel gnome org > wrote:

> All work and no play makes you boring. So it's time for some play,
> In case you don't know it (where have you been?), GUADEC is *THE* GNOME
> conference:
> And it's extremely good fun to hang out with all the GNOME rockstars.
> Last year, some of the GSoC students were able to attend GUADEC and it
> was really fun and useful. Meeting your mentor, some people interested
> in your project and other community members has a positive impact on
> your work. Showing what you already achieved is also fantastic to get
> some good feedback.
> So it's probably a good thing for the students of this year's GSoC to
> attend GUADEC, if possible. We talked with GUADEC organizers, and they
> support the idea. While there's no guarantee, it's possible that you
> can get a sponsorship to attend GUADEC, if you need it. Our budget is
> limited, but we'll do our best. Please see the earlier sent mail by
> Germán for details. Of course, attending GUADEC is not mandatory. ;)
> We've also been allocated a slot for student lightning talks. These are
> short presentations (5, 10 or 15 minutes, to be decided) where each
> student gets the opportunity to present his/her work. It's also a good
> way to get a lot of interest (and become, like we promised, our next
> rockstar ;)). All of this still has to be organized though, more on
> that later.
> So, we'd like to know if you'd like to attend the conference. Please
> show us some love and reply to this mail asap so we can know about your
> plans wrt GUADEC. Also, please do not forget to apply for sponsorship if 
> you need it before May 16, 2012, 23:59 UTC.

I *really* would like to attend the conference and do a short
presentation about the project's progress :-)
According with my plans, I'll depart from São Paulo, going to Madrid
and arriving in A Coruña, probably, 2 days before the conference and
stay in the city until the hackfests' end.
I have been applying for sponsorship, should I wait for something?

> Cheers,
> Your friendly GSoC admins.
> --
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Fabiano Fidêncio

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