Looking for a mentor (Shotwell Faces tool, face recognition, OpenCV)

Hi all!

My name is Valentín Barros, I'm 25 years old and I've participated in GSoC 2011 and 2012 with GNOME/Yorba working
in Shotwell to implement face-tagging functionality (2011) and face detection (2012).

This year I would like to finish the job and see Shotwell Faces tool complete, and I've already
sent my application [1].

But I have a problem: This weekend people from Yorba have told me that at the end they won't have enought
time to mentor any student. So my request is very simple: Would anyone have interest in be my mentor
this GSoC to help me complete the task? I think that I would not need so much help since I already know
Shotwell and I've playing with face detection and recognition last year, but I need a mentor
not only because it is mandatory to get into GSoC, but also because I have little expertise
and... you know, I can't predict all the problems I will face —that is the GSoC main goal, isn't it?

So... anyone interested? —Acording to Jim Nelson [2], feel free to contact him directly if you
need more information about my previous contributions from Yorba's perspective.

Thanks so much for your time.

[1] https://google-melange.appspot.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2013/sativa/35002
[2] jim AT yorba DOT org

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