Introduction - Xuan Hu - Getting Things GNOME

Hi, all

My name is Xuan Hu. You can call me Sean in English. I'm a graduate student from Peking University, Beijing, China [1]. I will spend with summer working on Getting Things GNOME! [2] with help of mentor Izidor Matušov [3].

During this project I will try to Port GTG and Liblarch to Gtk3 and Python3 [4][5], fixing various bugs and solving potential problems.I'am really excited to be accepted by GSoC cause I have failed for two years. :-(. Anyway, It's really nice to hacking together with all talented guys this summer. Just can not wait it!

You can find me from various SNS whose links are already listed at the end of this mail. Wish we can communicate more later!


扈煊 Xuan (Sean) Hu

2012, Master Degree Candidate, EECS, Peking Univ.

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