GSoC 2015 introduction (Adrien Plazas)

Hi everyone,

I am Adrien Plazas, a student in its first year of M.Sc. in Software and Web Architecture and Engineering at University of Science and Technology Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France.

First of all, congrats to all the accepted students!

Last year I participated to GSoC for GNOME Boxes[0], the experience has been exhausting but so exciting! I learned so many things and met such awesome people that I am eager to start again and to meet them and new persons in Gothenburg. =)

This year I'll keep working on Boxes under the mentorship of Zeeshan[1]. My project[2] consist of:
- a hardening sprint for Boxes,
- to port Boxes' installation wizard to GtkAssistant,
- to make a better use of MIME-types in Boxes.

You'll be able to find digests of the project's progess on my blog[3].

Have all a nice GSoC!


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