Re: Lighting Talks!

Hi Magdalen,

please fill the form, I added a "notes" field so you can leave this
fact there and we'll consider it.

Thanks for reaching out,


2015-07-22 14:07 GMT+02:00 Magdalen Berns <magdalenberns gmail com>:
Hi all,

I fly in during Friday afternoon so technically although I am there on that
day but in practice depending on how long it takes to get from the airport
to the venue I may not get there in time for the scheduled talks.

Should I fill in the form to confirm attendance or might that confuse
Friday's scheduling?


On 21 July 2015 at 01:54, Lasse Schuirmann <lasse schuirmann gmail com>

2015-07-21 2:22 GMT+02:00 Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) <zeeshanak gnome org>:
Hi Lasse,

Thanks so much for taking care of all this, especially going the extra
mile and creating the template (Adrien deserves kudos too for that)
for interns.

The template is solely Adriens work, actually. (I only did that pandoc
stuff around.) Many thanks to Adrien for this indeed, sorry I forgot
to mention that in the first place.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 1:13 AM, Lasse Schuirmann
<lasse schuirmann gmail com> wrote:
Dear interns,

every year, we have an interns' lightning talks session at GUADEC,
which is a very popular event. You will likely have 5 minutes
allocated during which you will be able to present your work using no
more than 6 slides.

Sometimes interns hesitate about doing the talk because they've never
done one before or English is their second language. I'd like to
assure you it will be the friendliest and most supportive environment
to make your speaking debut and English is a second language for the
majority of GUADEC attendees. GSoC admins, your mentors, or other
interns will usually be happy to help you rehearse your talk at some
earlier point during GUADEC. Interns also typically enjoy having an
opportunity to speak about their project after going to many talks by
other people. You can watch the video of the interns' lightning talks
session from 2013 to see what it was like [0].

To finalize how much time we need for the session and how much time we
can allocate per talk, we need to know who among you is planning to
attend GUADEC: please fill the form given at [1] until July 27th, 10
pm UTC (best
you do it now :)). We'll inform you shortly after this deadline about
your exact speaking time.

In order to ease presentation creation for you, we've created a
template so you don't need to worry about the design. - Feel free to
grab it from [2] and get creative! Please make sure to send a PDF with
your slides by August 5th to lasse schuirmann gmail com . (We will
compile all presentations into one PDF to make the switches smooth and

Let us know if you have any questions, need anything else or any
problems occur - we are always happy to help!


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Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
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