GSoC 2016 Introduction Email

Hello everybody!

My name's Rares Visalom and I'm a second year Computer Science student at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

This summer I have the opportunity to contribute to GNOME as a GSoC 2016 student. First of all I'd like to congratulate all the other students that were accepted. I'm sure all of us will give our best in order to actively contribute to the open source community.

My proposal involves improving the user experience for both new and already existing users of Polari, the IRC client developed by GNOME. I'm very excited and I can't wait to begin the actual implementation of the ideas. With the help of Florian Muellner and Bastian Ilso, whom will aid me as mentors in the process of developing these ideas, I plan on adding user-friendly features that would enhance the user onboarding capabilities of Polari, making it easier for people to use our application.

My IRC nickname's raresv and you can find me on Freenode. Also, I'll regularly post updates on my progress on my blog.

Thanks for the opportunity and have a great GSoC!


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