Intern activities for GUADEC 2019

Hi GSoC and Outreachy interns,

GUADEC, the annual GNOME conference is going to take place in
Thessaloniki, Greece this summer. Your mentor may have already mentioned it
to you, but if they have not, then I recommend you talk to them about
it now. GUADEC is an opportunity to share your work and collaborate
with other GNOME contributors, and to meet your mentors in person.

You will have an opportunity to present your work as one of the
lightning talk slots. Please put yourself down at to sign up! If you're
at all unsure about presenting, I and all mentors are available to
discuss this with you. :)

If you want, you can find the LaTeX slide template for your
presentation at GUADEC

Each lightning talk will be up to 5 minutes long (possibly shorter,
depending on how many of you will be there). I would recommend that
you have no more than 5 slides.

In my slide decks, I usually include a title slide which has the
title, my name, my email, and conference. Then I'd write a few
slides about what I've done so far, and after about what my plans are
for the upcoming future. To finish off, I usually have a "thank you"
slide where I mention anyone who's helped me and link to any further
resources if needed (git repositories, documentation). Last year's edition
has been recorded and it is available on YouTube:

GUADEC is also a good time to plan any hackfests around your project.
Talk to your mentor and discuss the possibility of organizing one!

The GNOME Foundation can offer travel sponsorship to individuals who
want to attend GUADEC and need financial assistance. The instructions
for sponsorship applications are detailed in the email the Travel Committee
sent a couple of days ago. See

Outreachy interns are entitled to a $500 stipend through the program,
and can request more from the Travel Committee.

You will have the option to request accommodation while registering for
GUADEC. Sponsored attendees will be staying in the Stay Hybrid Hostel

Looking forward to meeting you in a couple of months!


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