Re: What icons should be included in HighContrast?

Il giorno lun, 04/02/2008 alle 13.22 +0100, Andreas Nilsson ha scritto:
> Hey all!
> What is the advised method for 3rd party developers to install High 
> Contrast application icons?
> We currently have a lot of bugs against HighContrastSVG (that I tricked 
> a ghop student to file, kind of :) sorry for that mess)

Eh eh...

BTW, OK to close as NOTGNOME all KDE related (by now kde provide its own
HC theme...)?

I'm not sure about Firefox, OO.o, Eclipse, Pidgin and other apps not
included in GNOME Desktop but useful to GNOME users... Technically are
NOTGNOME too....

> Currently a lot of app icons and stuff are shipped with HighContrastSVG 
> in apps-extra etc., but perhaps it would be wiser to take a similar 
> approach to the one gnome-icon-theme is taking and only ship icons 
> included in the icon-naming-spec.

Yeah, the <context>-extra directories are places to put available HC svg
icons not defined in fd.o naming spec, waiting to put them directly in
the relevant applications.

> Is there any place a application can install those in a safe manner though?

My point of view is:
      * provide all fd.o icons in HC-svg
      * kill current PNG based HC
      * rename HC-svg to HC
      * make applications install their own HC icons in

My only doubt is: should we provide a HighContrast.pc file like this

        Name: HighContrast icon-theme
        Description: A collection of icons used for HC themes in GNOME.
        Version: 2.xx.x
        Requires: gnome-icon-theme
in order to export ${icondir} (note this make applications depend on
gnome-themes package) or we can just let applications to hardcode the
${icondir} path?

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