Re: OpenGEU 9.04 Luna Crescente pixmap GTk themes

On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 11:13 +0200, Luca De Marini wrote:
> 2009/4/15 Robert Staudinger <robert staudinger gmail com>
>         On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Luca De Marini
>         <luca darkmaster gmail com> wrote:
>         > Hi again, isn't really anyone interested / able in creating
>         these themes?
>         > I cannot believe no one whishes to help..
>         What do the mockups look like?
> Hallo Robert, here are the mockups:
> Keep in mind that these are just mockups. I already know that some
> things like the "centered menu" are impossible in GTK. What's
> important is that the GTK themes can look as closer as possible to the
> E17 themes. So, these pixmap themes should look as close as possible
> to teh mockups: metacity is not needed.

I suggest you look at some existing pixmap themes and learn how they are
made. Apart from the centered menus, everything looks possible with a
pixmap theme from the mockups. There is more information about creating
GTK+ themes here:

Some socumentation for the pixbuf engine is available here:



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