#tar chaining

Hi friends,

I was trying to see a tar.gz with nautilus. I was actually reading some
developer-oriented documentation and came across an example like this:


Using this:


Nautilus simply keeps 'doing something' and nothing happens.

I then wrote this code:


import pygtk
pygtk.require ('2.0')

import gnome
from gnome import vfs

import os

uri = vfs.URI ('file:///home/kov/download/koth-0.7.7.tar#tar/')

arquivo = vfs.open (uri, vfs.OPEN_READ)
str = arquivo.read (arquivo.get_file_info().size)

tar = os.popen('tar xv', 'w')
tar.write (str)

arquivo.close ()

As you see I have to pass 'str' to a real tar command to be able to
extract it. If I understand gnome-vfs correctly, I should be able
to open that URI as a directory, but vfs.open_directory is not

>>> uri.toplevel
<gnome.vfs.URI 'file:///home/kov/download/koth-0.7.7.tar#tar/'>
>>> h = vfs.open_directory (uri)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
gnome.vfs.error: Not a directory

Is the chaining simply not working? Nautilus actually *does* open
libtar.so when 'doing something', and using #gzip on a error.txt.gz
file gives me the same results.

I am trying to understand all this methods, modules and vfs stuff
as a programmer. As I understand it, implementing the right stuff
on gnome-vfs should have nautilus working properly with no extra
code. Right?



kov debian org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian: <http://www.debian.org>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org>
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