PATCH: get the default SMB workgroup from libsmbclient

Currently, the "Network" window in Nautilus will display the computers in the workgroup named in the /system/smb/workgroup GConf key, or in "WORKGROUP" if that doesn't exist.

This default is wrong for many environments. If the machine's administrator has set up Samba, then the value in the smb.conf file would make a much better default. The patch on the following bug does that:

The implementation is based on a conversation with Alex:

  1. get the SMB method to recognise the URL
     smb://X-GNOME-DEFAULT-WORKGROUP/, and display the computers in
     smb_context->workgroup (fall back to "WORKGROUP" if this is NULL).
  2. change the "network" method to use "X-GNOME-DEFAULT-WORKGROUP" as
     the default workgroup name if none has been set in GConf.

While it would be ideal to expose the GConf key in some control panel, this change makes things act correctly without extra configuration in a larger number of situations.


Email: james jamesh id au

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